Suomen Voima Oy has made a final decision to invest in Puhuri Oy’s Parha wind park development project. The project is one out of the seven winners in the Renewable Energy Support Auction Competition that was arranged in the end of 2018. The received feed-in premium, which depends on the electricity market price, can be seen as a risk lowering factor in the Parha project management.
Ten state-of-the-art wind turbines will be constructed in Parhalahti which is located in the municipality of Pyhäjoki. Each turbine’s tip height will be 230 meters according to the maximum height of the permitted plan. The total investment price will be around 60 MEUR of which Suomen Voima’s share will be approximately 29 %.
CEO Antti Vilkuna comments that the area of Parha suits well wind power production due to the large area, scarce habitation and proximity of major power lines. The project lies between the upcoming 400 and 110 kV power lines of Fennovoima. The wind park will be connected to Elenia Oy’s 110 kV grid.
The Parha wind park will be built according to the accepted plan in 2015 and it will be in production from the start of 2022.
Puhuri’s chairman of the board Roger Holm (right) and Suomen Voima’s chairman of the board, councilor of energy, Patrick Wackström detonating the first explosive at the work site of Parha wind park on 27.6.2019.