Suomen Voima Invests in Hankila Wind Park Project
27 November 2019

The wind energy company Puhuri Oy will be the managing developer of Hankila wind park as it is also in the earlier announced Parha’s wind park project. In addition, the company manages Suomen Voima’s Mäkelänkangas wind park and Kopsa II wind park, which is owned via Puhuri. The Hankila project is the second of Puhuri’s projects that was declared as a winner in the Renewable Energy Support Auction Competition arranged in the end of 2018.

The Hankila wind park will be constructed in the municipality of Haapavesi and Kärsämäki. Eight state-of-the-art wind turbines will be constructed, and their tip height will be 250 meters according to the permitted plan. The wind park will be in production in the beginning of 2022.

The total investment price will be around 50 MEUR of which Suomen Voima’s share will be approximately 26 %. The owners of Suomen Voima who are participating in both the Hankila and Parha investments will remarkably increase their share of wind energy production in their production portfolios. The total capacity of the two sites will be altogether 101 MW.

CEO Antti Vilkuna comments that the area of Hankila suits well wind power production due to the large area, scarce habitation and proximity of major power lines. The project is located on lands owned both by Puhuri and the city of Haapavesi. The lands have partially been removed from activity related to peat production.


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